Is there a fast track to getting a CPT I-20? After enrolling at a day one CPT university, how long does it typically take before I can begin lawfully working in the United States? Today, we'll utilize Monroe College as an example to show you how to quickly obtain a CPT I-20.
Accredited day 1 CPT colleges create their curricula to meet all USCIS standards and will offer their overseas students help in the event of an RFE. Westcliff University (California), Harrisburg University (near New York), and Monroe College are three universities with Day 1 CPT that is renowned for having an extremely low RFE rate.
Your offer letter will typically come with instructions that can walk you through the transfer procedure.
Although USCIS will ultimately have the final say, you must choose your SEVIS transfer date when completing the form. The majority of the time, USCIS won't overturn your decision. It is advised by Monroe College that students transfer their SEVIS at least 15 days before the start of the semester. Various day 1 CPT universities may have varying suggestions or criteria. For instance, three working days prior to the start of the semester will be sufficient if you are transferring to New England College.
After your SEVIS is transferred to the new school, your current OPT will be terminated automatically, which means before you get the new CPT I-20, you have no legal rights to work in America. Please be patient during this period and do not break any rules that may put your F1 status in jeopardy
After you paid for the first semester’s tuition, you can start your course selection process. If you wish to get CPT authorization, you need to join a 0.5 or a 1-credit CPT course.
After registering for a CPT course, you will receive a letter. You can find the list of materials for the CPT application in it. In most cases, you will need to prepare:
Job Offer Letter
CPT Cooperative Agreement Signed by your employer
Proof of tuition payment
Gather all the materials and hand them in.
Typically, it takes 5-10 business days for the whole process. At Moneron College, it takes only 3 days for the process. Other than Monroe College, New England College is also famous for its efficiency in processing CPT applications.
Common mistakes to avoid:
SEVIS was not released by the previous school in time [remember to follow up on that]
Didn’t pay tuition on time [Don’t miss the payment deadline]
Your employer did not send the signed CPT Cooperative Agreement back to school in a timely manner [a warm reminder to your boss might be necessary]
Still have questions regarding the day 1 CPT application? Contact us for a free consultation.